The scientists place the problem on runoff of chemical fertilizers in
rivers and fallout from burning fossil fuels, and they estimate there
are now more than 400 dead zones along 95,000 square miles of the seas -
an area more than half the size of California.
The number of those areas has nearly doubled every decade since the
1960s, said Robert J. Diaz, a biological oceanographer at the Virginia
Institute of Marine Science.
"Dead zones were once rare, but now they're commonplace, and there are more of them in more places," he said.
Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, a marine ecologist at Sweden's Göteborg
University, have just completed a global survey of the imperiled areas,
and their report appears today in the journal Science.
The phenomenon that drives life away from so many coastal habitats is
called hypoxia - the lack of enough oxygen in bottom waters for fish
and other valuable marine life to thrive, the report notes.
The causes of hypoxia
Hypoxia is caused by tons of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizers
that run from farms and spill into the seas from rivers and streams as
well as by fallout from power plants that burn fossil fuels.
The chemicals become prime nutrients that fertilize rich blooms of
microscopic algae near the surface layers of coastal waters. The algae
eventually die, sink to the bottom layers of the ocean and become food
for masses of bacteria that decompose and consume the oxygen around
them. The result is the dead zone, devoid of most marine life forms.
The largest dead zone on Earth is in the Baltic Sea, according to the
survey, and the largest in the United States lies at the mouth of the
Mississippi River, where the water is "hypoxic" over an area of 8,500
square miles - roughly the size of New Jersey.
The scientists found only a few small dead zones along the California
coast and none in San Francisco Bay now, an improvement over previous
eras when conditions made it impossible for marine life to thrive there.
That was during the 1950s through the 1970s, said James E. Cloern , a
marine biologist at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park who has
been monitoring the bay's health for more than 30 years.
The problem then, Cloern said, was the result of continuous
discharges of poorly treated sewage from communities surrounding the bay
and wastes from many cannery plants. But the issues were resolved when
waste treatment facilities were updated all around the bay, he said.
San Francisco Bay also benefits from "strong tidal action" that mixes
the water and also supports active communities of clams and mussels
that help keep anything like a dead zone from developing, Cloern said.
"But things can change, and there's no guarantee that we won't be
seeing blooms of algae in the future here, too, so we need to be really
vigilant," he said.
According to Diaz's survey, the few dead spots along the California
coast develop only periodically where water circulation is limited. They
include the inland portion of Elkhorn Slough near Moss Landing in
Monterey County and Alamitos Bay at the mouth of the San Gabriel River
near Long Beach.
Diaz's institute is part of the College of William and Mary in
Williamsburg, Va., and he has been surveying the world's dead zones,
starting with nearby Chesapeake Bay, for more than 20 years.
Jane Lubchenco, former president of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science and a leading marine biologist on ocean ecology
at Oregon State University, said by e-mail that the report is "a
sobering documentation of the growing threat of nutrient pollution in
coastal waters around the world."
"The conclusion is inescapable that dead zones are now a key stressor in coastal waters," she said.
But she added that the problem is solvable.
"The evidence suggests that if the spigot of nutrients can be turned
off, coastal systems can recover," she said. "Doing it can be
accomplished by using fertilizers more efficiently, preventing human and
animal sewage from entering rivers, and replanting vegetation (along
riverbanks) to absorb excess nutrients."
Diaz and Rosenberg cited the Black Sea as an example of the
improvements that can be made when solutions are applied. Until the
1990s, the shallow northwest continental shelf there was a major dead
zone, but then nutrients declined as fertilizer use diminished for
several years.
'Nutrient inputs again rising'
"However, nutrient inputs are again rising (there) as agriculture
expands and a return to hypoxic conditions may be imminent," the
scientists wrote in their report.
About half the known dead zones develop once a year during the summer
after the algae bloom widely, the water is warmest and water layers
along coasts are most distinctly separated, Diaz and Rosenberg reported.
From limited surveys in the past and their own continuing research,
the two scientists counted 49 dead zones around the world in the 1960s,
then 87 in the 1970s, and 162 in the 1980s. The dead zone global count
is 405 today, Diaz said, and could well be climbing.
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